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Create Assignments in The Juice

New Feature Announcement: Article Assignments!

Now teachers can assign article to individual students or whole classes

We heard you loud and clear! Creating assignments in The Juice in now available! With over 5k+ articles available and growing, The Juice is the perfect time-saving tool to help you:

  • Supplement core instruction
  • Build mastery in informational text skills, and support all students.
  • Differentiate instruction by assigning articles to the whole class, small groups, or individual students

Watch the video below and learn how easy it is to create assignments in The Juice!

Assignments FAQs

Creating Assignments in Four Easy Steps 

1. Navigate to the Search panel. 

2. Search for your content by type, standard, or category. 

3. Click the assign button and send it to the whole class, a group of students, or a single student.

4. Quickly view the status of student assignments in the Class Panel

Where do I track assignments?

You can track assignment status in the class panel. You can also see assignments posted in the student view. 

Where can I see student progress for an assignment?

In the Teacher Portal, navigate to the student panel, click assignments, and then look for the grade column. 

Where can I see what standards practice has been assigned to a student?

In the Teacher Portal, navigate to the student panel, click assignments, and then look for the standard column. 

How do I see the story assigned to students? 

From the class panel in the Teacher Portal, click on a student name to open the Student View. In the Student View panel, click the assignments tab. In the next panel that opens, click on the story title to open the article.

How do I see the question assigned to students? 

From the class panel in the Teacher Portal, click on a student name to open the Student View. In the Student View panel, click the assignments tab. In the next panel that opens, click on the question to view the entire question prompt, possible answers, and standards alignment.

How do I assign articles to individual students?

Click on the assign button and choose to assign the article to the whole class or select the individual students in your class.

How do I see the standard aligned with the assignment? 

From the class panel in the Teacher Portal, click on a student name to open the Student View. In the Student View panel, click the assignments tab. In the next panel that opens, click on the standard to open the description. 

Ready to bring The Juice’s reading comprehension resources to your classroom? 
