Case Studies

Explore how educators are implementing The Juice and the student successes they are seeing. 

Whitnall Middle School

This small suburban school outside of Milwaukee sought to improve the impact of their daily guided study period. With the new schedule model, 7th Grade teacher Chris Bily implemented The Juice to engage students and build media literacy.

East Jackson High School

An English teacher at this school in Commerce, Georgia was searching for curriculum for a new journalism elective.  After using The Juice as a daily bell ringer, students increased their awareness of world events and further developed their journalism skills.

Oceanside High School

Social studies teachers at Oceanside High School on Long Island needed to create a media literacy elective to engage students with current events that were accessible at their level.

They implemented The Juice and noticed:

  • Increased awareness of what is happening in the world
  • Students made connections between what they read in The Juice and what they had discussed in class

Carl H. Kumpf Middle School

Middle school teachers at this school in Clark, New Jersey used The Juice to help students struggling with informational text standards on state assessments. They observed:

  • Improved reading comprehension 
  • Increased engagement with the content

Boys & Girls Clubs- Palm Beach

Program directors at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County were looking for programming to support literacy growth and engagement with reading over the summer months. After using The Juice for six weeks, they noticed: increased awareness of current events, greater amount of reading, and livelier group discussions.


Horizons Summer Program

Horizons at Norwalk Community College is a tuition-free academic and enrichment program serving under-resourced students from the Norwalk, CT community. They sought a solution to prevent summer learning loss and to motivate middle school students to read during the summer. They saw student reading scores, as measured by the STAR test, increase more than a grade level during the Juice program.

Impact Study

Two quantitative studies support the impact The Juice has on reading improvement and current event knowledge. Reading comprehension improved an average of 26.5% while current events and civics knowledge improved by 18.5%

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