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What is the teacher portal?

< 1 min read

The teacher portal includes many features that enable the instructor to perform tasks beyond reading The Juice itself. Instructors can create classes and add students to each class. 

To create equity among all learners, teachers can assign reading levels to individual students and those students will receive a version of The Juice that is written to that reading level. Students will now be aware of the level they receive unless the teacher decides to reveal it.

If an LMS system is in place, the teacher can select a story and easily disseminate it along with an assignment. Teachers also obtain insight into each student’s performance.

 Once students are added to the teacher’s master account and begin answering the quiz questions associated with each story, teachers have access to formative assessment data that can be sliced by learning standard, date range, etc. 

Learn more about the teacher portal in the video walkthrough.