Data and Reporting
- How do I view class activity reports?
- Where do teachers see an overview of a student’s Lifetime Achievements for Stories Read and Questions Attempted?
- Where do I track assignments?
- How can I see individual student quiz results?
Score Report
- What is the Score Report?
- What information can I find on the Score Report?
- How can I use the Score Report?
- How can I use the Class Summary data report in the Score Report?
- How can I use Student Data in the Score Report?
- Will the students’ scores for all classes show up on the Score Report?
- Why isn’t my Score Report showing all of a students data?
Progress Report
- What is the progress report?
- How often does the progress report run?
- What is the minimum time in the progress report?
- Where can I see student progress?
- How do I use the progress report?
- Will the students progress for all classes show up on the Progress Report?
- Does the progress report evaluate a students performance in just my class?
- How does the progress report make recommendations on student reading level?
- Can I change multiple students’ reading levels at once on the progress report?
- What is the threshold in the progress report?
- Can I change the time period for the progress report?
- How do I change students’ reading level based on the recommendation from the progress report?
- Can I download the progress report?
- How do I change the report frequency for the progress report?
- What if I don’t agree with the recommendations on the progress report?
- How much data is needed for students to receive a recommendation on the progress report?
- What does it mean if the recommendation on the progress report says “On Track: No Change”?
- Why am I missing students from the Progress Report?